
Pay Per Lead

Pay Per Lead Services at the most Reasonable Prices.

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Pay Per Lead 

As the name suggests, pay per lead is an online advertising payment model where the advertisers pay the publishers only for the leads generated on their (advertisers) destination sites. Payment is made only for the qualifying leads.

Here, the advertiser has to pay for an explicit sign-up from an online viewer interested in having the advertiser’s offer. Sometimes, the advertisers pay for the affiliate based on the conversion of leads received from the various actions (like file downloading, software downloading, and other intended actions) taken by the online viewers.

Pay per lead enables the advertisers to generate genuine leads and guaranteed returns on their investment for an online advertising campaign. If a customer clicks and follows an affiliate link and comes to the advertiser’s site and completes the intended actions according to the affiliate agreement, only then the affiliate becomes eligible for receiving payment. It is a complete process including a number of steps with an intended action in each step. If a consumer completes all the steps and covers the entire process, the affiliate is paid.

Therefore, an advertiser does not need pay when the visitors do not sign up on his/her website. It is a very popular method of online lead generation. As an online viewer or a consumer needs to sign up to grab the offer, the contact information and demographic information (sometimes) go to the advertiser’s emails or databases. The Signup fields generally include name, email address, location, phone no, etc.  In some cases, it may include a detailed form consisting of several pages.

However, the advertisers may encounter some risk factors as the 3rd-parties or marketing partners may indulge in some fraudulent activities.  However, a regular audit can help you spot the false leads.

Direct Response Pros is a premier pay per lead marketing company specializing in offering cost-effective pay per lead services at the most reasonable prices. We include various activities like media buying and online lead generation, under this service. Buy real-time TCPA and HIPPA compliant leads for your product, information or service. We have been a market leader in pay per lead industry since 2008.

With over 40 years of experience, we have been serving our clients from different industries. Get started with us. We are at your service to help you create a new client base, make more money and grow your business significantly.

Call us at 1-800-947-1142 | Email us at sales@directresponsepros.com